
Browse through reviews and comments written by former KCP International students.


4.7 stars based on 571 reviews

All content has been taken from actual evaluations that former students completed at the end of the program. We hope these reviews will help answer your question regarding our intensive Japanese language program, and that the KCP student comments are useful to you in making an informed decision about applying. Enjoy — KCP Review!

The best aspects of the program were being able to always speak in Japanese at all times.

Andrea from Winter 2016

I thought that the trip to Kamogawa Sea World during the Winter Term was a lot of fun, and very interesting.

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After coming here during the 2013 Fall term, I loved the intensive learning method that was used in class.

Shalai from Winter 2016

This is a school that can truly help anyone improve their Japanese. Not only do you meet new people but those people become lifetime friends.

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It is intensive and fast paced.

Brittany from Spring 2016

Just in these three months alone we have covered about the same material covered in nine months of classes back home. At this point I am learning new material that I never got to back home in my classes.

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I learned about Japanese mentality and why some people act the way they do.

Dariece from Winter 2016

I found the class trip to be very satisfying because it allowed a day of rest and bonding. Students were able to use their new knowledge in a practical environment.

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I enjoyed the cultural excursions and the class on the history of Japan.

Shana from Winter 2016

The Kamakura trip was fascinating, I really enjoyed seeing all the shrines and temples, and getting to stay at a ryokan.I loved the Edo Tokyo Museum, and would have like to go back (and will, if I get a chance to return to Japan).

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The excursions were all fun, and I enjoyed learning about the history of places while being there.

David from Winter 2016

I enjoyed the bus trip because it was a chance to interact with non English speaking students outside of class, as I might not have otherwise.

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[The most productive and interesting aspects of the program was] probably staying late and talking to my teachers, asking questions about things I didn't understand

Abigail from Winter 2016

Just to push yourself harder than you would in America because this is the only time you have to vastly improve your Japanese – make friends with people who can’t speak English because it forces you to use what you have learned in class.

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Having three different teachers with different teaching styles is the most interesting part of my class. I also love being able to get extra help when needed.

Onjel from Winter 2016

One of my teachers goes around the room and has everyone make example sentences with the grammar we are learning that day and i love it because it gives us practice but also because sometimes we can see the grammar used in ways we might not have thought of yet.

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I'm a bit shy, so I didn't make too many friends, and having the opportunity to practice Japanese in a practical speaking sense was very helpful!

Dylan from Winter 2016

The U.S. Culture Class — getting the chance to go outside of the school-to-dorm bubble was absolutely invaluable to me as somebody who didn’t apply for a homestay, and the lectures, especially those by non-faculty, gave me a breadth of information that certainly piqued my interest in the history of Japan.

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KCP is a great school that has really accelerated my learning of Japanese.

Matthew from Winter 2016

The program is tough, but incredibly rewarding. There are regular tests but it has really helped solidify everything I have learned so far.

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If you want a challenge, then this program in definitely what you’re looking for. I came into the program with very basic knowledge of Japanese and am definitely excited about how much I have improved. Learning a language isn’t instant and it takes a while to sink in, but the longer you’re here you become more motivated to utilize what you learn and to continue to progress in your studies. And all of the instructors and office staff are some of the most friendly and approachable people I have ever met. They really make the whole experience quite enjoyable!

Brenna Morlock