
Browse through reviews and comments written by former KCP International students.


4.7 stars based on 571 reviews

All content has been taken from actual evaluations that former students completed at the end of the program. We hope these reviews will help answer your question regarding our intensive Japanese language program, and that the KCP student comments are useful to you in making an informed decision about applying. Enjoy — KCP Review!

Sports day was a great way to mingle with fellow students

Kristina from Spring 2018

I enjoyed sports day a lot, because it was with the whole school and was a typical Japanese school activity that some of us wouldn’t have been able to experience otherwise

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I got to explore many different places with the culture class.

Amanda from Spring 2018

I like that a culture class was required for the first term because I didn’t have much money to go out and explore myself, so the class was really useful to me in that way. I got to explore many different places I would not have been able to explore had the class not been offered. Plus, I learned a lot during the lecture portion of the class. Same g

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thought that the culture activities were a great way to explore the Tokyo area.

Makoto from Spring 2018

The Ryokan trip was especially immersive and enjoyable.

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The teachers are some of the best I've ever had in my academic career.

Bethany from Spring 2018

The homework given was surprisingly very helpful for practice of the grammar learned in class. The teachers are some of the best I’ve ever had in my academic career, and their help and styles really kept my learning and interest on track.

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All of the classes were satisfying.

Cali from Spring 2018

I enjoyed interacting and practicing conversational Japanese with other people and teachers.

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Definitely participate in the culture class! Having someone to guide you through places in Japan and explain the history and significance of each place will truly enrich your experience in Japan.

Suzi from Spring 2018

I found the culture class to be very satisfying and informative. through this class I was given a chance to see places in Japan that I probably would not have seen otherwise.

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I absolutely loved the culture classes, especially the Kamakura trip!

Brittney from Spring 2018

I was really impressed with Tanaka-san, Ryuhei-san, and Kato-sensei, who all worked very hard to make a life-changing experience for us in Japan. I also was super impressed with my host family and I can’t imagine a better match for a host family. My host mother is one of the best people I’ve ever met, and I hope I will stay in touch with her.

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Please understand that when the program says "intensive" that it is very intensive. It's not a selling point, but the actual truth.

Ashley from Spring 2018

If you do not know any Japanese going into the program, you might want to take a few classes before hand. I had two years of Japanese Language classes in college before I graduated in 2010, and that was baby steps compared to KCP. They really care about you learning the language, but it is fast-paced so be prepared!

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The cultural class trips were very fun; I enjoyed visiting Kamakura and Enoshima.

Sophia from Spring 2018

I’ve never had Japanese classes every day, so I think speaking Japanese a lot during class helped. Everyone, teachers/staff and students, were so nice and helpful.

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I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the undoukai. It was a lot of fun!

Kaja from Spring 2018

Definitely study! There’s a lot of material that you cover and you’ll fall quickly behind if you don’t. I would go to school early every morning to study which gave me more free time in the evenings to enjoy Tokyo. 🙂

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I highly recommend KCP for its focused and encouraging program. The opportunity to practice speaking and comprehending Japanese during class, in conversation sessions, and in day-to-day life was an invaluable experience for which I am very grateful. KCP’s staff and instructors are nothing but helpful and there is no question that they are dedicated to the dissemination of the Japanese language. 

—Gabriel Wilkinson