
Browse through reviews and comments written by former KCP International students.


4.7 stars based on 571 reviews

All content has been taken from actual evaluations that former students completed at the end of the program. We hope these reviews will help answer your question regarding our intensive Japanese language program, and that the KCP student comments are useful to you in making an informed decision about applying. Enjoy — KCP Review!

The course is really intensive and requires a lot of your time and effort to make the most of it. You’ll get the most out of it by putting the most into it.

Jacobo from Fall 2018

Talk to your classmates, make friends and do your best to use as much Japanese as you can and you’ll learn a lot quicker than you’d think.

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This program offered everything that I had been looking for from a Japanese language school.

Suzi from Winter 2018

The most productive aspect was that throughout the day at school I always had access to a place to study, a place to eat/take a break and I could always find a teacher to ask for help.

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I really enjoyed the BBQ since it let everyone share their cultures and communicate through food/eating

Jennifer from Winter 2018

Class time is very well organized. I also liked that usually the US programs covers most extra fees.

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This program pushed me into doing things I didn't believe myself capable of until I found myself doing them.

Amy from Fall 2018

I was absolutely DREADING my 15 minute final conversation test all semester only to find that I had FUN during it. Everyone else I asked said the same thing–it was no problem. Not because it was an easy test, but because we were prepared, we learned so much in just a few months, and it was a fair evaluation. It is not an easy program, but I do believe it gets the best out of students, and it IS doable, AND you will have time to have a life outside of class. I’ve done the fun, easy study abroad and this is not that, and treating it like that would be a waste, but it is so much more rewarding. I’m paying my own way as an adult student and a grad student, and it has been worth every penny.

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I liked the BBQ and the Yamanashi trip because it helped us learn about the culture of Japan and the other students and brought us together.

Jordan from Fall 2018

The most interesting were talking to each other in class and building our speaking skills.

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It’s tough but taught me more in the end.

Sasha from Fall 2018

The most productive aspects is KCP being an all Japanese speaking school. Of course, there are times when you need something to be translated into your own language, but for the most part, that is what helped me most in understanding Japanese. Most school don’t do that, and I think that’s what sets KCP apart from other as well as it being an immersive and intensive program that gives little to no break in the curriculum. It’s tough but taught me more in the end. For me, there was no “least interesting or productive time”. There was always something I had to do; studying or going out to study. And every lesson is meaningful towards Japanese and the culture of Japan within its language.

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It gave me some interesting insights of things I didn't know about too much.

Julius from Fall 2018

The amount of homework we got every day made me study a lot, so that’s good. I also liked the many activities the school offered apart from the regular classes.

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The most productive aspects of the program were my homestay experience and the conversation practice in class.

Richard from Fall 2018

I got along extremely well with my host family and it was a great way to build my Japanese language skills while experiencing what family life is like in Japan.

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Solo drills proved to be very helpful.

Diogo from Winter 2018

Getting back to the student way of life was interesting and I got to perfect some study techniques that would have been useful years ago but I was sadly too immature to do so at the time.

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I LOVED the culture class!

Juliann from Fall 2018

The field trips after the lectures were incredibly interesting and informative. The Yamanashi Trip was absolutely the highlight of the term for me.

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I am very lucky to have found this program. It definitely did not disappoint, and I would without a doubt, recommend it to anyone who wants to further their skills in Japanese.

—Andrea Li