
The direct method really encourages you to think in Japanese.

Jennifer from 2013

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

The initial luncheon with all the teachers and summer short students was very fun and good chance for everyone to mingle, but most of us did not know each other prior to coming to KCP, so it would have been more fun to do this again later in the program (at the end, or middle) when we knew each other better. That also would have made interacting with the teachers more fun. I enjoyed the initial Shinjuku tour, but I felt that wandering around on my own was easier than traveling with a big group (we spent more time waiting for a couple of people than actually in the stores). It might be a better idea to provide a map of the area, with the places that we visited during the tour marked so students can find it themselves (perhaps also with a list of good restaurants that the senpais recommend), and then only organize an optional tour for those that want more guidance. The trip to Housei University was also very satisfying because we were able to interact with Japanese university students, which is not part of typical Japanese classes. I really enjoyed this trip, albeit short, and wish there had been more occurrences of this exchange (maybe a longer period where US students can offer some assistance with English in exchange for Japanese - my university had a program for this, it was pure volunteer-based, but provided a platform for students interested in other languages to speak with a native speaker). If it were possible in the long run, I think establishing this type of system would be a great way for students to get more real-life conversation practice and make Japanese friends (for those of us who don't already know people in Japan).

Any further thoughts or tips for those considering the program or new KCP students?

The workload is intense and requires you to be on top of your studies all the time, so if you only want to have fun, this is not the program for you. However, if you can balance studiousness with some fun on the weekends or after school, then you will have the time of your life. KCP pushes you, but offers the best support system (either English support, or talking to your teacher) of any language school I have ever seen. The direct method really encourages you to think in Japanese, rather than try to translate everything back to your native language. Don't be discouraged and ask questions as soon as you have them - the teachers are all super helpful and try their best to explain the material in many different ways.

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KCP is a really great program and I would highly recommend it to anyone thinking about studying Japanese in Tokyo. Although intense the sense of achievement by the end of just two and a half months is huge.

—Yuna Murayama