
The most productive part for me was how immersive the program is.

Junianna from Winter 2023

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

I loved the culture classes that we went on, and feel that they really helped to expose me to different parts of Tokyo and Japanese culture. I also really like the wide variety of clubs, and joining the coto club was a unique opportunity that was extremely fun.

What were the most productive and interesting aspects of the program for you? The least interesting and productive?

The most productive part for me was how immersive the program is. It was great having Japanese instruction and then being able to go out into Japan and put what we learned into practice in the real world.

What activities or materials did you find most helpful (e.g., pair work, drill practice, tests, small group sessions, textbooks, games)?

I found that the drill practices and listening were the most helpful. They really forced us to us our Japanese at a quick pace, and allowed us to see where our weaknesses were.

Any suggestions for improving class activities or materials?

While the textbook was super helpful, I sometimes felt that there was too much emphasis on it and sticking exactly to the exercises at hand.

What did you find most valuable in the Culture Course?

I really liked being able to do things that I may not have known about or been able to do, like go to the Kamaboko factory. Seeing different parts of Tokyo and being guided in the beginning made it much easier to get out there on my own.

Anything you especially liked in the living arrangements? Any problems you experienced?

I liked having other students around, so there was always someone to study or hang out with. I also really appreciated the easy commute to school.

Any comments or tips for prospective/new KCP students?

Study hard and immerse yourself!

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KCP is a really great program and I would highly recommend it to anyone thinking about studying Japanese in Tokyo. Although intense the sense of achievement by the end of just two and a half months is huge.

—Yuna Murayama