
What I LOVED about KCP was the learning environment.

Ava from Summer 2022

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

I really enjoyed EVERYTHING about KCP. I loved how involved all the teachers were with our studies, and even teachers that were not my primary teachers remembered my name. The culture days for the US program were so informative; I learned so many things that I didn’t, and would not have learned, before.

What were the most productive and interesting aspects of the program for you? The least interesting and productive?

I really enjoyed the way the teachers taught kanji. I’ve never had a Japanese class where we spent time on learning kanji together, and the way the teachers set it up was always enjoyable and interesting. Kanji still isn’t my best subject in Japanese, but after KCP I don’t feel as intimidated! What I LOVED about KCP was the learning environment. The teachers made everything fun and made sure you knew it was OKAY to be wrong! I loved that. We were all able to laugh and learn together and there was never any pressure about being perfect.

What activities or materials did you find most helpful (e.g., pair work, drill practice, tests, small group sessions, textbooks, games)?

The textbooks (grammar and kanji) and the separate purple book provided by KCP was some of the best material I have ever used.

Any suggestions for improving class activities or materials?

I wish there had been more practice material for kanji.

What did you find most valuable in the Culture Course?

The culture course was so very informative. We were able to learn about things that I would have never thought about learning before!

Anything you especially liked in the living arrangements? Any problems you experienced?

The dorms were well kept and our dorm manager was incredibly kind. The only issue I experienced was that my upstairs neighbor was so incredibly loud- I often would wake up in the middle of the night because they were making too much noise.

Any comments or tips for prospective/new KCP students?

You must come with an open mind. Japan is not your home country, and if you except to have the same experiences - or be upset when you cannot have a traditional experience in your host country - you’re not going to have a good time. USE JAPANESE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Even if you don’t know how to say the sentence you want, try. Say words that you know you need. People will help you get through it, and you’ll be a much better Japanese learner for TRYING. If you rely on translation apps or English, you’re missing the point of this great experience. 頑張って!

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This program has been awesome, and I learned a lot about Japanese language and culture within such a short period of time. The teachers are very patient and they try their best to encourage everyone’s participation by making the class fun. I would definitely recommend this school to other people who wants to go to Japan to study Japanese.

—Anita Lucius