
I felt that the staff at KCP take their jobs seriously but also make the students feel comfortable to speak with them about anything.

Katherine from Summer 2021

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

Art week, it was a great way to learn more about our classmates.

Any comments or tips for prospective/new KCP students?

Study (of course) and participate in as many extracurricular activities as you can. Due to covid, there were some activities and excursions available, but most were cancelled. Not having them available really makes you wish they were. Overall, I feel that I made the perfect choice to attend KCP. The classes are challenging, and classmates passing the JLPT prove that the lessons and studying really pay off. Most of all, I felt that the staff at KCP take their jobs seriously but also make the students feel comfortable to speak with them about anything. It was a much more personal vibe rather than a strict, dull institution. They helped me with any issues I had, even outside of studies, and despite the covid situation they did their best to adapt and provide us with the same KCP activities and environment. Even without excursions I had a great experience.

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KCP is a really great program and I would highly recommend it to anyone thinking about studying Japanese in Tokyo. Although intense the sense of achievement by the end of just two and a half months is huge.

—Yuna Murayama