
Have an open mind and don't be so scared to use your Japanese, mistakes help with learning.

Brittany from Summer Short 2019

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

The short summer program weren't able to participate in the culture class however I still feel the trip to Yamanashi and visiting the Japanese companies are really amazing opportunities. I think all the events are pleasing at KCP because of the amazing staff.

What were the most productive and interesting aspects of the program for you? The least interesting and productive?

The most interesting was just the fact that even though this was an Intensive Japanese Language School I still had fun in the classroom and I never became bored of KCP. The most productive was the staff, they are willing to help you with your studies and Tanaka san and Ryuhei are just amazing and have such fun personalities. Also the fact that you're able to talk to the teachers in a studious way but also you can have fun and tell jokes, or talk about your interests with each other. The least interesting/productive I think would be that sometimes the students myself included would be confused on what the home work was, maybe if it was written on the board, I would find that more productive.

What activities or materials did you find most helpful (e.g., pair work, drill practice, tests, small group sessions, textbooks, games)?

I find the most helpful activities are the conversations you can have with your partner and then you share it with the class. I think the textbooks are also very helpful.

Any comments or tips for prospective/new KCP students?

Have an open mind and don't be so scared to use your Japanese, mistakes help with learning. You shouldn't be worried about the teachers they're all so nice and care about your studies. Have fun and if you want to learn Japanese this is the place.

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In general, I think the KCP program is really great and I’m very glad I decided to do it. It was a lot of work, but I learned a lot, met many interesting people from all over the world, and got to have a very different experience of Japan than the normal tourist.

—Marc Kwiatkowski