
The most productive and interesting part of the program, I think, was having the classes taught all in Japanese.

Kumiko from Fall 2018

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

I think the overnight trip to Yamanashi was definitely the most memorable activity. Two days of jammed-pack Japanese history and traditional scenery was absolutely beautiful! I'm sure that many people wouldn't be able to think of visiting those areas in such an orderly manner.

Why did you select this program?

It was in the location I wanted and offered the term length that I was allowed.

What were the most productive and interesting aspects of the program for you? The least interesting and productive?

The most productive and interesting part of the program, I think, was having the classes taught all in Japanese. Even from level one, you have no choice but to concentrate on the language and have a need to learn quickly in order to understand better. As a student from the American program, it is hard to think of what was the least productive or interesting, I think everything was just so well done!

What activities or materials did you find most helpful (e.g., pair work, drill practice, tests, small group sessions, textbooks, games)?

English support was the most helpful. Even if I thought I had a good understanding of what was being taught in class, English support helped me fix parts that I didn't even think I had a problem with.

What did you find most valuable in the Culture Course?

Culture class helped enlighten the true thoughts of Japanese people and culture. There were stereotypes that other countries had of Japan, such as their passiveness, but learning about Japanese Wa (harmony), for example, was a really good eye opener on the true mindset of Japanese society.

What did you find least valuable in the Culture Course?

In the first class, the instructor did not really tell us about the pre-determined topic at hand, making it hard to write the assigned essay. However, I don't think there is an overall downside to the course.

Were you pleased with the general living arrangements? Anything you especially liked? Any problems you experienced?

The location was amazing, and the size of the room was very adaptable. I know a lot of people may have noise complaints, though. It was pretty easy to hear some people through the walls or closed windows. I didn't mind hearing the liveliness of the place, I think that it helped make it a real community.

Any further thoughts or tips for those considering the program or new KCP students?

Do not underestimate the intensity of the program. A lot of people laugh at, or don't believe when the application says that it will require hours of studying, but to really grasp the concept of the language, it truly does take hours of studying. If you want to truly learn the language - and not just pass the class - it is best to take a few hours everyday to study what was taught in class and to do plenty of review. I also believe that for people who have previous experience with Japanese and still enter level one, they should still go to English support. I saw too many people with pride give up the opportunity KCP has given American program students and then end up not doing so well in the class. KCP is nothing like any school Japanese class. It is a lot more fast paced and intense.

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I loved meeting new people in my classes and being able to practice Japanese almost every day. I loved living in Japan as if I were Japanese and absorbing the culture. 

—Pei Lin