
It’s tough but taught me more in the end.

Sasha from Fall 2018

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

The only event I could attend was the school barbecue. I’ve never been to a barbecue before and to be able to make food with my classmates and create lasting friendships and memories was worth every bit of time there. I think the time upon deciding which foods to buy was a little short but it ended up working out in the end. Afterwards, the games, food contest, and just being able to truly talk with, my now, friends are what I cherish most. The Hakone and Yamanashi trip was also very fun and I got to bond with my American friends but at the same time to me it wasn’t as impactful as the barbecue. At the barbecue I could talk with, and learn about my friends who are Chinese and Korean and in turn, practice more Japanese instead of just speaking all English. Nevertheless, it was so much fun and in the future I hope to come back to learn before my university years end.

Why did you select this program?

It was affordable, promised a great experience, and gave me the opportunity to follow the path of my goal on becoming an interpreter, while being able to live in Japan.

What were the most productive and interesting aspects of the program for you? The least interesting and productive?

The most productive aspects is KCP being an all Japanese speaking school. Of course, there are times when you need something to be translated into your own language, but for the most part, that is what helped me most in understanding Japanese. Most school don’t do that, and I think that’s what sets KCP apart from other as well as it being an immersive and intensive program that gives little to no break in the curriculum. It’s tough but taught me more in the end. For me, there was no “least interesting or productive time”. There was always something I had to do; studying or going out to study. And every lesson is meaningful towards Japanese and the culture of Japan within its language. One thing that might be helpful though, is to be able to speak with Japanese people more for practice. Everyone will make mistakes and sometimes the idea might not get across smoothly but by speaking with people other than classmates, I think would be beneficial in the end towards fluency and comprehension.

What did you find most valuable in the Culture Course?

Actually learning about the culture and going on various excursions is the only way to truly know culture. That and speaking with Japanese people but I love how KCP actually took the students out to various cities to learn more about Japan.

What did you find least valuable in the Culture Course?

Nothing was least valuable. The lectures were just as exciting.

Where did you reside over the course of this program?


Were you pleased with the general living arrangements? Anything you especially liked? Any problems you experienced?

I’ve never lived on my own before but because i’m already used to Japanese life and how to take care of homely duties, I was very comfortable and I’m happy I get to have a room to myself where I can learn more responsibility

Any further thoughts or tips for those considering the program or new KCP students?

Besides introducing maybe, daily use examples of grammar, and being able to speak to more Japanese people, KCP is doing fine in my eyes.

Any other comments or suggestions?

KCP has taught me so much, and even if I’m not able to return before I graduate completely from my university. I will come back to visit in 2 years, after I’ve become an interpreter and am living permanently in Japan. Thank you so much, for all of your hard work and understanding and I hope the teachers, old and new students and the KCP name, keep going strong.

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I chose this program because of its well-favored reviews on various sites as well as the intensity provided by the classes. I looked for a challenge and KCP certainly provided that for me.

—Derrick Lieu