
I loved everything about KCP!

Glenn Agape from Summer Short 2018

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

I liked how the school would send us information on activities happening around tokyo! It was one thing to look events up ourselves, and another to already have an idea of what we could do. I loved everything about it, honestly. The classes were brilliant and even the group sessions were extreeemely valuable.

Why did you select this program?

Like my goal, I wanted a strong foundation for my japanese. I have been self studying for a year and a half and I knew that the best place to learn a language is to be in the country itself, learning it from people who speak the language. Going into the program, I was happy to know I knew a lot of things but also extremely glad to know that my self studying had been going in the right direction, since I felt like I was able to pick things up well. I chose this program because of its amazing reviews and the things people said about its great classes, teachers, and location. I picked it because it had an amazing price versus some of the prices that my university offers which is the same about, but for less than half the length. I chose it because I was looking forward for the immersive classes that I knew I'd learn the most from!

What were the most productive and interesting aspects of the program for you? The least interesting and productive?

I really liked the classes and how they were set up. Granted, I'm only in level one, but I liked how they taught it! They perfectly spanned all the main things like reading, writing, speaking, and listening and I feel like my ability in each of those is continuously growing equally. Talking in class and being extremely interactive in class was something I thought was extremely well-utilized and well done. That's how you keep a student interested! While some days are your usually boring days, there was nothing that felt unproductive!

What activities or materials did you find most helpful (e.g., pair work, drill practice, tests, small group sessions, textbooks, games)?

Definitely pair work, or speaking outloud and showing off our original conversations. The textbooks were really good and the grammar note supplement was super appreciated.

Were you pleased with the general living arrangements? Anything you especially liked? Any problems you experienced?

Yeah for sure! Honestly everything is really a 10/10 except for the 11 oclock curfew. I don't think that's something you can really chance but it was extremely difficult for us to continue keeping up with it. I've only missed it once by four minutes but that was because my friends and I were at our first Tanabata festival. I think it's a huge blow for students to be cut short on their experience just to get home at a certain time, and if possible, to find a place where at least on the weekends there's a longer curfew.

Any further thoughts or tips for those considering the program or new KCP students?

Definitely do this program! It'll be worth your while and it's got amazing opportunities throughout the entire thing. However, only go into a japanese language abroad program if you are extremely serious about learning the language. You'll be living in a new country and you're going to have to work to be able to live here for a few months! But once you start getting even just the basics underneath your belt, you'll be able to live smoothly here and it'll be such a worthwhile experience.

Any other comments or suggestions?

Thank you so much for this program and opportunity! It's something I'll never, ever forget for the rest of my days. You've all given me something so wonderful.

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I selected it because I wanted a reputable and intensive program that would take a student who’s no longer affiliated with a college. KCP was the only program I found that satisfied this criteria. It also helped a lot that my friend recommended it.

—Jaking Kong