
The culture classes were fascinating !

Angelica from Winter 2018

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

The culture class trip to Enoshima Island and Kamakura. This was an overnight trip where we stayed at a ryokan. The difference between learning about something (how you receive a yukata to wear, the tatami, the futon, the public bath, etc) and actually experiencing it is astounding which is what made this trip so unique and something that one cannot do in the United States.

Which co-curriculum classes did you find most satisfying?

English Support is invaluable and Katou-sensei is incredibly brilliant and helpful.

What were your goals in attending the KCP program?

I wanted to get a firm grasp of the language so as to have more job opportunities.

Why did you select this program?

This was one of the better known programs that was reasonably priced and would assist me once I arrived. Many of the positive reviews were from previous students who loved it and recommended the program.

What did you find most valuable in the Culture Course?

The excursions in the afternoon were simultaneously fun and educational. Most often, Tanaka-san would lead us and explain the use and history of the buildings and places we visited.

Any further thoughts or tips for those considering the program or new KCP students?

Be ready to make a lot of new friends, and once you do, don't be afraid to plan your own adventures with them. There's so much to do just within the Tokyo Metropolitan and anywhere you want to go within there is within reach. Whether it's a group dinner, a shopping street, park, or onsen, Tokyo has it. You just have to go find it.

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I enjoyed this summer a lot! Thank you KCP. Unforgettable.

—Jiacheng Yan