
The Yamanashi trip was really special to me. I was able to bond with a lot of my new friends.

Nicole from Fall 2016

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

The Yamanashi trip was really special to me. I was able to bond with a lot of my new friends.

Where did you live?


Were you pleased with the general living arrangements? Anything you especially liked? Any problems you experienced?

I was surprised we had a bath. There aren't enough pictures of the living arrangements on the websites so most students are really surprised by how nice the dorms are. Overall I really liked it. People should be held more responsible for how they leave the common room though.

Any other comments or suggestions?

The faculty and staff of KCP and the dormitories are really supportive and easy to talk to. They treat the students like adults and treat us very respectfully. They made me feel comfortable here.

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In general, I think the KCP program is really great and I’m very glad I decided to do it. It was a lot of work, but I learned a lot, met many interesting people from all over the world, and got to have a very different experience of Japan than the normal tourist.

—Marc Kwiatkowski