
This is an amazing opportunity to experience life in Japan.

Lissette from 2014

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

I believe that the trip to Yamanashi was the most satisfying because it gave all of the summer short term students a chance to talk to each other outside of class. And we all got to do really fun activities together as well. It was also the most interesting because we went to a place outside of the city and learn about the different places we visited.

Which co-curriculum classes did you find most satisfying?

I believe that all of the curriculum we were taught in class was eaqually inportant.

What were the most productive and interesting aspects of the program for you? The least interesting and productive?

The most productive aspect of the program was living with a host family, because I was always practicing what I learn in class at home. And I believe that it has given me more confidence in speaking and not being worried about making mistakes.

Any further thoughts or tips for those considering the program or new KCP students?

This is an amazing opportunity to experience life in Japan, and to focus your efforts on learning a different language.

Any other comments or suggestions?

I enrolled in the KCP program because, at my university I felt that I was not learning enough and I didn't take enough opportunities to use my language skills outside of class due to my other commitments and classes. I felt that by being in Tokyo, I would have to speak Japanese everywhere I went. And even if I made a mistake or didn't know a specific word, I would have to keep trying. This experience and my time here have given me a new outlook on Japan and its people, and an enthusiasm for learning that I had lost while I was at university.

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If you want a challenge, then this program in definitely what you’re looking for. I came into the program with very basic knowledge of Japanese and am definitely excited about how much I have improved. Learning a language isn’t instant and it takes a while to sink in, but the longer you’re here you become more motivated to utilize what you learn and to continue to progress in your studies. And all of the instructors and office staff are some of the most friendly and approachable people I have ever met. They really make the whole experience quite enjoyable!

Brenna Morlock